quinta-feira, abril 5


Os 15 militares britânicos detidos no passado dia 23 de Março pelo Irão já aterraram em Londres, a bordo de um avião da British Airways que saiu hoje cedo de Teerão.
Algumas lições a tirar com Paul Reynolds (BBC) no seu Ahmadinejad's final flourish:
“…Iran had good cards and played them well. It made its point about defending its borders, dominated international television with pictures of its prisoners and their "confessions" and, when it perhaps judged that it had got as much as it could expect to out of the confrontation, ended it with a flourish.
Iran will project this as a victory (the medals given publicly to the officers who led the operation was an immediate example) against a country still viewed with suspicion in Iran because of its past interventions. It also put out an indirect warning that any attack on its nuclear plants would be met with vigour

It was diplomacy by media. The normal channels were not functioning, a lesson for the future.

One lesson that the British and other Western governments will draw is that Iran cannot be given opportunities like this without a propaganda price being paid
Além disso, a utilização, numa primeira fase, da Turquia como intermediário falhou rotundamente. Um ponto a menos para os defensores da tese de que a integração turca na UE é uma ponte para as questões com o mundo islâmico. Tendo o feliz final decorrido de uma negociação directa Londres/Teerão, dificilmente, algum outro interlocutor aceitará a intermediação da Turquia. Um “dano colateral” que deve estar a preocupar muita gente em Bruxelas e Ancara…

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