quarta-feira, abril 18


BAGHDAD, hoje:
122 dead, 150 wounded in Sadriya market in central Baghdad;
28 dead, 44 wounded in an attack near an Iraqi Army checkpoint at one of the entrances to Sadr City, the official said;
11 civilians were killed and 13 others wounded when a parked car bomb detonated in central Baghdad's Karrada district. The car was parked near a hospital and a market;
4 police officers were killed and 6 civilians wounded shortly when a suicide car bomber exploded at an Iraqi police checkpoint in southern Baghdad;
4 people were killed and 8 were wounded by a bomber targeting a police patrol near a checkpoint in Saidiya, in southwestern Baghdad. Two of those killed were police and the other two were civilians;
2 civilians were killed and 9 others wounded when a roadside bomb detonated at a busy intersection in central Baghdad.

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