terça-feira, setembro 26


No centro do Mundo:

I'm a progressive.
The true believer believes in social justice, in solidarity, in help for those not able to help themselves.
They know the race can't just be to the swift and survival for the strong.
But they also know that these values, gentle and compassionate as they are, have to be applied in a harsh, uncompromising world and what makes the difference is not belief alone, but the raw courage to make it happen.
That's why winning matters.
So keep on winning.
Do it with optimism.
With hope in your hearts.
Politics is not a chore.
It's the great adventure of progress
(do discurso de Blair)

Peter Mandelson - On the succession
"...The one thing that Tony Blair wants in the person to follow him, and he has always said this to me and others close to him, is he wants to be succeeded by somebody who is, if anything, stronger than him... more of a moderniser, more of a reformer than him.
"He doesn't want to be the great golden era New Labour figure, only to be succeeded by someone who will fail. The greatest legacy would be to see whoever is the next leader of the party leading us to a fourth term victory on a New Labour platform.
"He does see those qualities in Gordon Brown, there's no doubt about that. Should Gordon Brown be the one to succeed him, he will want him to succeed and he will work for that. There's no sense in Tony's mind that 'I was the golden years and now the fallow times must follow'. If he can do anything at all to make sure there's a stable and orderly transition, he will do what he can to achieve it..."

Michael Portillo, This is a Labour Hamlet without the prince
"...For Brown the task is harder. After nine years at the heart of government we feel we scarcely know him, but we do not quite like what we do know. That makes it extraordinary that Labour should want to jettison Blair. Only Labour MPs can understand why. Could they possibly be out of touch?"

A ler ainda: How spin-doctors failed to keep the Cherie gaffe under control

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Isto ainda vai dar pano para as mangas e, com sorte, para umas cortinas...1 ano é muito tempo...Blair é um animal político...sinceramente, eu penso que ele vai se recandidatar..arrefece as criticas por enquanto, colocando no centro do palco o seu suposto sucessor e, no entretanto, prepara calmamente o seu "regresso"...eu sei que ele já disse que vai partir mas...mas...mas...Blair é um génio da comunicação política!! O homem é um fenomeno!

gm disse...

yap, one never knows


Anónimo disse...

boa, não tinha lido este artigo!

mas, se decidir ficar, o labour party desmorona-se...pq a opinião publica está completamente farta dele...começa a odia-lo! (e ele, de dentro da esfera perceptual do partido, não se apercebe bem do que se está a passar no real world)

se Blair parte = power vacuum = conflitos-birras = incerteza

Assim, a sucessão terá que ser muito rápida e terá que ser conquistada por alguém com muita, muita, força dentro e fora (publico em geral) do partido...

Não subestimem Cameron e Menzies Campbell!!