terça-feira, janeiro 10


"Extreme poverty can be ended, not in the time of our grandchildren, but our time." Thus forecasts Jeffrey D. Sachs, whose twenty-five years of experience observing the world from many vantage points has helped him shed light on the most vital issues facing our planet: the causes of poverty, the role of rich-country policies, and the very real possibilities for a poverty-free future. Deemed "the most important economist in the world" by The New York Times Magazine and "the world's best-known economist" by Time magazine, Sachs brings his considerable expertise to bear in the landmark The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, his highly anticipated blueprint for world-wide economic success — a goal, he argues, we can reach in a mere twenty years."

1 comentário:

gm disse...

Tózé, não posso responder sobre os fins últimos do sr. Sachs. A dúvida que levantas é uma realidade que penso acompanhará sempre todas as campanhas mundiais! Em favor das ideias do Sr. Sachs, ou para uma sua melhor avaliação, posso contudo remeter-te para este projecto global ao qual ele está umbilicalmente ligado:

